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100% Profits To: Greenpeace - WWF - Oxfam
Best Free Donation Sites
Here's our pick of the best free donation sites available online. We do try and keep this list updated, but this has been a very changeable area, so please do let us know if any of these sites should be removed. Please also let us know if we are missing a great site too. You can contact us here. Thank you.
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Free Rice
Making free online donation even more fun! FreeRice.com is a vocabulary quiz game, where each correct answer you give results in a small donation of rice to the World Food Programme. Improve your vocab and donate free to charity too. (You can also change subject and be tested on subjects from Human Anatomy to Flags of the world). Launched in 2007 Free Rice currently donates about 300 Million grains of rice per month.

Click Here For Free Rice
Make sure you join our FreeRice Group (search for 'Charity Cafe' in Groups). See you there :-)
An old timer, Care2 was launched by Randy Paynter back in 1998 - he's still the President and heavily involved. It's now a monster of site with all sorts of useful info on good causes, healthy living and generally saving the planet. The 'click to donate' section is just one small part of the site.

Click Here For Care2
The Hunger Site
One of grandaddys of 'click to donate' free donation sites. It all started in June 1999. Each daily click of the button donates a tiny amount. But with over 200,000 people clicking everday, it does make a difference.

Click here for The Hunger Site